Buloogh (becoming of age, or reaching sexual maturity) is a mark of adulthood in Islam; it ushers in the beginning of takleef. Therefore, it is important to understand it and know its signs.
The word bâligh means sexually mature. In this book, the word ‘post-pubertal’ may be used to translate bâligh because it is the closest to it, although the linguistic and medical definitions of puberty may be different from the Islamic concept of buloogh.
The fuqahâ’ unanimously agreed on the following three signs as indicative of puberty:
1. Ejaculation, for men and women. (To the jurists, this also refers to the discharge released by a woman at orgasm.)
2. Menarche, for women. (Note that in contemporary medical terminology, menarche is different from puberty, which starts about eighteen months before menarche.)
3. Pregnancy, for women. The majority (A) + (+M, +Z +Abu Yoosuf) added to these the growth of coarse pubic hair. The Mâlikis added to these criteria some secondary sexual characteristics, such as breast development, armpit odor, and the changing of the voice.
Finally, the vast majority (with the exception of Dâwood adh-Dhâhiri) indicated that if none of those characteristics have appeared by a certain age, the individual is considered to have reached adulthood, although they differed on the exact age.
(A) + (H2 +M2, +S): 15 years, for men and women. This is because of the agreed-upon hadith of Ibn ‘Umar (RAHUMA), in which he said: