1425. Introduction
Li‘ân means mutual invocation of curses; it is also translated as ‘public imprecation’. In the context of this chapter, it is the invocation of curses (upon oneself) as a prescribed legal procedure. This procedure was prescribed to resolve the dilemma that arises when a man sees his wife committing adultery. If he accused any other woman but failed to produce witnesses, he would be punished. Because of the husband’s position and the nature of the marital relationship, though, he does not have to produce four witnesses (to avoid the punishment); instead, he can take public oaths in support of his accusation. If the wife counters his oaths with her own, she will ultimately be acquitted, but he will not be punished either. Li‘ân was also prescribed in previous scriptures, as in the Old Testament’s Numbers 5:11-33. The Islamic form, however, does not entail uncovering the woman’s head or making her drink “the water that causes the curse.” Also, in Islam, the husband, not only the wife, must take the oaths. If the woman is too shy to come to the courthouse, the judge will send someone to oversee the li‘ân at her home (A).