- If they were not able to make it to the Ḥaram, they will make an offering (sheep/goat) and exit from their iḥrâm. Neither shaving nor anything else is required. If they cannot afford the offering, they must fast ten days.
- If they were prevented from ṭawâf al-ifâḍah, after the first taḥallul, they stay in this state of partial iḥrâm (where intercourse is the only prohibition) until they make ṭawâf al-ifâḍah. (S) allows them to make an offering, shave, and exit from their iḥrâm like any muḥṣar. - According to (A) + (+M, +S), disease and lack of means to proceed do not constitute sufficient grounds for iḥṣâr and would not allow one to exit from the state of iḥrâm. According to (a) + (-H, -t), being prevented could be because of any reason that prevents one from proceeding, such as an enemy – by consensus, sickness, or simply not having the means to proceed.
- In the case of iḥṣâr, no make-up is required. This is different from fawât (missing Hajj), because no negligence is committed by the muḥṣar.
- If one makes a condition at the time of iḥrâm that they will be released from liability if they are not able to proceed with their Hajj, he or she will be able to exit from the state of iḥrâm in all of the above scenarios without any further liability.